Audience Clapping



Are we still in this together? Are you as frustrated hearing about “poor communication” as I am? I can’t think of a coaching client or organization I’ve worked with that didn’t have better communication on its list of areas to focus on. There is no denying that communication of one ...
Have you ever been asked to “toot your own horn,” so to speak, to tell others about your talents, abilities and qualities? Certainly, if you've ever interviewed for a job, validated yourself to a customer or crafted a resume/on-line profile, you have. Did you find it easy to talk about ... Failures and setbacks can be the fuel that refocuses us ...
This article appears as the cover story in the MPI NCC Summer 2019 issue of "PERSPECTIVE" Magazine on the importance and methodology of mentoring. ...
This article was first published on Hotel Online. Many things in our world have annual cycles or seasons, such as sports leagues, holiday shopping, the school year, farm crops, you name it. There is usually a slow (or slower) season and a busy (or busier) season, two very different activity ...
Embrace Your Personal Brand Hover your mouse over the PDF, then click the arrows to read the entire article!  ...
This wonderfully immersive program is unlike anything your group or organization has experienced in the name of team-building and learning together. Guaranteed. Gary's creative Battlefields to Business program is a unique learning adventure. It's an experience, not just a seminar. His customers tabbed it as "the ultimate adult field trip." ...

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